The forerunner of the manor, the inheritance Vogelzang, is first mentioned in 1450 as JohanTwickelo, the lord of the Twickel instructs on loan to Otto, and Mr. van Bronkhorst Borculo. Bymarriage came into the yard in the sixteenth century to the family Ripperda. Herman Ripperdabuilt shortly after 1569 as first a noble residence. His heirs lived mostly on the far less isolatedhouse Hengelo. After the death of Unico Ripperda, son of William Ripperda, in 1678 left hisheir Borchard Amelis of Coeverden Boekelo sell Unico's debt to solve.
The manor was sold to Elizabeth Havius, a niece of one of the creditors, William Havius.Elisabeth was married to Cornelis van Aerssen, bailiff of the county Dalhem and Country 'sHertogenrade. Their descendants contributed Boekelo in 1735 about their family CornelisJacob Mahony. From this time a drawing by Cornelis Pronk preserved when it Boekholt Courtin his appearance in 1729 is depicted. In the second half of the eighteenth century the castle was rebuilt and fitted with a new facade which middentravee was crowned by a bell gable.
In 1792 the manor was sold to publicly Hendricus Ignatius van Kempen. He moved in 1817from the Court Boekelo Aalshorst near Dalfsen and let Boekelo auction. It was purchased byGerhardus warble, Jan Dijk and Johan Gabriel Borchard Weatherman. Shortly afterwards, the castle was sold for demolition. In 1822 the house sold Weatherman place with the associatedrights Helmich van Heek, a manufacturer label, Enschede. In 1949 his descendants broughtBoekelo estate with it Stroot bottom of a nameless until 1972 and since then private company.